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Advent Services

This week all pupils have participated in Advent Services written by the Chaplaincy Team and the Year 10 and 11 pupils who are currently undertaking the Faith in Action Bronze Award. During Advent, the Church asks us to prepare for the coming of Jesus in three ways – the past, historical event of Jesus’ birth 2000 years ago; the present moment, encountering Jesus in our daily lives, particularly through prayer and the Sacraments; and the future event which Jesus promised – that He will return to take us to Himself. It was this future event which was the main focus of our services this year, with drama, prayers, videos and music helping us all reflect on whether Jesus would find us ready if He were to return today. Pupils from across all year groups helped to present each service by singing in the choir, reading reflections and prayers, and presenting the drama, which collectively contributed to what was an excellent service.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
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