Our vision for Corpus Christi Catholic High School is a vision of Catholic education at its best: an education of the highest quality that enables all children to thrive. This vision can be witnessed in action through our ambitious curriculum, in the work of our highly skilled and highly committed staff, and in our values, which are lived-out and demonstrated in all of our work as a community.
Our school motto Unum in Corpore Uno or Together in One Body reflects the importance that we attach to our school community: a community that provides the love, support, encouragement and advantage that children need in order to become the best that they can be. We recognise the critical role that parents and carers play in our community and aim to foster strong relationships in our shared goals for the development of their child.
‘Pupils are extremely proud to be part of the warm and friendly school community. They hold the school in great esteem.’
Ofsted 2024
We have a very strong Catholic ethos and a strong belief in the unique dignity and unique God-given potential of each individual child; not just the potential to achieve academic success, but the potential to flourish and grow in every way possible.
We have exceptionally high expectations of our pupils in every aspect of their development. We insist on the highest standards of appearance and we expect our pupils to behave impeccably. Our values support them in meeting these exceptionally high standards to develop, both academically and as a person.
‘Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. ‘
Ofsted 2024
The priority in our school is to strive for the values of the Kingdom of God that we find in the Gospel. Jesus’ greatest commandment was for us to love others, which he showed in his teachings and actions.
With Jesus’ teaching of love as our focus as a school, we practise the ancient Catholic tradition of the Cardinal Virtues. St Thomas Aquinas said that these virtues “are a way to happiness and not happiness in itself”.
(courage / being brave / strength of will / determination / not giving up / faithful / trusting)
The symbol for this virtue is a strong tower with firm foundations. When we practise the virtue of Fortitude, we practise courage and determination, we face challenges, and we do not give up.
The Gospel passage which reminds us of Fortitude is “Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27) We need to know that we are not alone, God is with us, and we must have courage. Our House Saints are examples of Fortitude as they gave their lives for the Catholic faith.
(love of others / goodness / truthful / fair / charity/ forgiveness / gratitude / service)
The symbol for this virtue is a balanced scale. When we practise the virtue of Justice, we choose to do what is fair and right, even when it might be unpopular or hard. During Advent and Lent, we live out ‘the corporal works of mercy’: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visiting the imprisoned. These are some examples of Justice in action. Whenever we forgive another person and move on to have a fresh start, this is practising the virtue of Justice.
The Gospel passage which reminds us of Justice is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31) We need to remember that when we are caring for others we are actually loving and caring for Jesus.
(humility / gentleness / self-control / sensitivity / hope / moderation / tolerance)
The symbol for this virtue is an anchor. When we practise the virtue of Temperance, we are practising self-control and humility, virtues Mary showed in abundance. An anchor does the hard work below the surface of the water, even though it remains unseen.
The Gospel passage which reminds us of Temperance is “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) We remember that Jesus on the cross gave over everything to God, and we too can let God be in control.
(reflection / thinking through / wisdom / doing the right thing / respect / obedience)
The symbol for this virtue is a compass. A compass directs us in the correct way to travel, before we take a step we must collect the relevant information and think. When we practise the virtue of Prudence, we are practising wisdom and we are encouraged to think before we act. As Christians, we reflect on our own actions and on the life of Christ, trying to put his teachings into action each day.
The Gospel passage which reminds us of Prudence is “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) When we know what the truth is, and we make a wise decision based on it, we are living as Jesus wants us to and we help to build the Kingdom of God.
‘(Pupils) respect and understand the robust behaviour routines and systems. This creates a
Ofsted 2024
safe haven for pupils where they support and reassure each other.’
We are blessed to be citizens of Britain. We often take for granted our rights and freedoms that many in our world do not have. As a Catholic school, we base all we do on the virtues and their foundation in Jesus’ teaching of selfless love. The virtues help us to understand and live out the British Values, which encourage our pupils to go out and change the world.
The British Values are:
Democracy – We all have a duty to vote, and to protect and care for others in society. We need to use Justice and Prudence to help us to make wise decisions when exercising our right to vote.
The Rule of Law – Laws are there to protect us, especially the weak and vulnerable in society. We need to practise Fortitude to encourage us to do what is right.
Individual Liberty – We have freedom of speech in Britain, we are taught by the Church to speak out against injustice. However, we need to practice Temperance and Prudence to speak with compassion and wisdom, and listen to other opinions. Practising Fortitude is essential if we are to speak up and do what is right, even when it is hard or makes us unpopular.
Mutual Respect – We are all made in the image and likeness of God. No matter what our personal views, beliefs, where we are from, or what language we speak, we deserve to be treated with dignity. Justice and Prudence help us to remember this truth.
Tolerance of Religious Beliefs – We live in a multi-faith society. Tolerance is saying “we are different, but we are going to work together and learn from each other” Practising the virtues of Justice and Prudence helps us to work with others who have different beliefs and views to us.
‘Pupils have an exceptional understanding of the importance of the fundamental British Values. They respect the many differences that exist between people…The school prepares pupils extensively well for life in modern Britain.‘
Ofsted 2024