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‘Pupils are well informed and are confident in choosing their next steps in education, employment or training.’

Ofsted 2024

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at Corpus Christi Catholic High School is aimed at making sure that all pupils develop realistic aspirations and goals for their future careers.  We are committed to continually meeting the standards for all of the Gatsby benchmarks, and through these ensure that every student can have the right information, right skills, and right experiences to become confident whilst navigating the job marketplace, building the necessary skills and qualifications which will ensure they have an enjoyable and successful career.

Pupils at Corpus Christi are supported to fulfil their God-given potential and pursue rewarding, fulfilling and aspirational careers. This vision is enshrined in our careers policy.

We welcome interest from local businesses, educational establishments and training providers who would be keen to work with us to further improve our careers provision. If you are interested in such a collaboration, please contact Mrs Matthews.

Please click on the sections below to see what pupils do and learn about in each school year, and also some of the other events and activities which we organise for pupils in our school.

Year 7

Our pupils’ journey begins right at the start of Year 7, as pupils learn about how to be a success in everything they do at Corpus Christi. This primarily involves them learning about the attitude to learning, effort and mindset required to fulfil their God-given potential. They also hear from some of our senior prefect team about the successes they have experienced and how they have achieved these, as well as any errors they have made along the way and how to avoid these. They also discuss options and post 16 routes. Later in the year, during their Extended Learning Day, pupils are introduced to the various uniformed services such as the NHS, Police, Fire Service and the Cadet branches of our armed forces. They learn about what they do, how they make a difference in daily life and how pupils can become involved with them – both now and in their future careers. During this day, they also learn how to carry out emergency First Aid, including CPR.

Year 8

In Year 8, pupils build on their experiences during the previous year by focusing on study skills. They learn about the many ways of embedding information in long term memory and therefore maximising their chances of success in examinations and gaining their dream careers.  They also hear from key figures in education or industry and learn about how their attitude to learning and key preparation has resulted in them becoming successful in their careers and lives. The Extended Learning Day for this year group focuses on team-building and problem-solving, with several different activities and challenges being posed by our industry and education partners.

Year 9

Year 9 is an incredibly important year for pupils as they make the first choices which truly shape their education and life journey, namely their options, and the CPSHE and Extended Learning Day programme for this year group is very much shaped around this process. Pupils learn about the many pathways and routes available to them and how to progress towards their desired career. They are also given a variety of different advice regarding the subjects which they should choose, including the opportunity to speak to Year 10 pupils undertaking these courses as part of an ‘Options Carousel’. They are also introduced to the START website, which not only provides the tools for them to start building their CV but is also a source of invaluable guidance and information for pupils about what they need to achieve their goals. Finally, after an Options Evening in the Autumn term, and a Parents’ Evening in the Spring, pupils make their Option choices. Before these are finalised, they meet with the Assistant Headteacher who is responsible for the Options process to discuss these, in which future careers are considered.

Year 10

Preparation for working life is the basis of Year 10’s content, as in both their CPSHE lessons and Extended Learning Day they look at a variety of work-related issued. They examine the skills and qualities which they need to fulfil their aspirations. Pupils also look at Health and Safety in the workplace, how to get ready for interviews and succeed at work, how to apply for university, and the different types of courses which are available in further or higher education, including apprenticeships and technical qualifications. Pupils also learn about the financial aspects of working life, including funding for courses, wages, tax and pensions. This is also reinforced as part of the Financial Capability strand of CPSHE. In the Summer term, all pupils also organise and undertake a week’s Work Experience, providing an invaluable experience of the world of work.

Year 11

As pupils’ time at Corpus Christi nears its end, Year 11 understandably focuses on ensuring pupils are ready for the next steps. Their CPSHE lessons focus on ensuring they are aware of all the local pathways which are available to them, and how to apply for them. Pupils are then given the time and the support to research and apply for courses and to update their CV’s, which by now will be more substantial. As a result of this guidance and monitoring, we can be sure that all pupils have applied for at least one destination for the following September.

Careers Fair for Years 8 to 11

The Extended Learning Day in November provides an opportunity for all pupils from Years 8 to 11 to visit a Careers Fair, which is attended by local further education and apprenticeship providers, uniformed services, employers, careers advisors and indeed even the diocesan vocational service. Pupils are given time to speak with all visitors and gain as much information as possible about pathways which they may be interested in.

Work Experience

During the second half of Year 10, all pupils are given the opportunity to spend a week gaining experience in the workplace. Pupils are expected to organise their own placement, although a very limited number of placements are available through school for pupils who can demonstrate that they have made every effort to get a placement in their chosen field.

Our pupils are able to obtain placements in a number of different areas, including:

  • Education – nursery, primary and secondary
  • Law
  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Cafe and restaurant
  • Civil service
  • Construction
  • Automotive

For further information about work experience, please contact Mrs Matthews, Lead for Careers and Aspirations

Work Experience Placement Opportunities

There are a limited number of placements available in the NHS. For further details, please follow the link below.

Work Experience – The Health Academy (

Mock Interviews

In the afternoon of the second Extended Learning Day in November, all Year 11 pupils also take part in ‘Mock Interviews’ with our visitors, in preparation for those to come, and receive detailed feedback on their performance.

Additional Careers Support

During Years 10 and 11, all pupils are also able to benefit from one-on-one sessions with our Careers Advisor, Mrs Creeley. She provides individual guidance for all pupils in order that they make informed and appropriate choices for their own future.

The school’s support does not end once pupils leave, however. Sometimes the choices which pupils make do not work out for whatever reason – personal circumstances, a change in priorities, or sometimes the course in question is not what pupils thought it would be. If that is the case, then we reach out to these pupils and look to match them up with what will fit them best, working together with colleges, employers, training providers and the Lancashire NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) team, and through this partnership these pupils can make a fresh start and achieve the success they are capable of.

‘The school uses its strong relationships with local colleges to design opportunities for pupils to learn about the world of work.’

Ofsted 2024

Destination Data

As a result of this comprehensive approach, the number of pupils progressing to further education, employment and training after leaving Corpus Christi has grown significantly over the last few years, from 84% on Results Day in 2021 to 96.7% on the same day in 2024.

The following data is collected on results day and the three weeks that follow. We collate the information and ensure that all pupils are supported to access the most suitable 16-18 provider and succeed in the next stage of their lives after they leave Corpus Christi.

Total number of pupils in the year group% of pupils progressing to further education or employment
2022117Further information

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision at Corpus Christi Catholic High School.

The benchmarks are enshrined in statutory guidance, and we are proud that our wrap-around approach and comprehensive careers and study skills curriculum has resulted in the school being one of the few across the country to have achieved all eight benchmarks in our school for the last four years. We are also fully compliant with the Baker Clause.

Our close relationship with our local sixth form colleges (such as Preston College, Cardinal Newman College, Runshaw College and Myerscough College) and UCLan ensures that we can provide pupils with most up to date information and support them in making considered, informed choices for their future.

Please click on one of the options below for further information and guidance.

Information for Pupils

Pupils can see our careers advisor Mrs Creeley or our lead teacher for Careers and Aspirations, Mrs Matthews if they have any questions or require any advice on career related matters.

Our careers programme includes:

  • Careers assemblies
  • Career focused workshops (delivered by a variety of outside agencies)
  • Career guidance appointments
  • Workplace experience
  • College visits
  • Careers fairs (employers, apprenticeships, colleges and universities)
  • Mock interviews (with colleges and employers)
  • Career sessions in CPSHE
  • Career focused activities on Extended Learning Days

Start is a digital careers platform with information, advice and tools to help pupils explore and plan for their future. Pupils can use Start to explore study pathways, find courses, discover industries and much more.

Labour Market Information
The careerometer tool enables you to search for Labour Market Information.

Post 16 – Applications
Applications are open all year, however it is recommended by our local colleges that you apply before the end of January of the year you leave school. This is to make sure you get an interview and an offer on the course that you want as they fill up quickly.

What you will need: your personal information (including postcode, phone number and email address), predicted grades 15 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time.

Online Application – Preston College

Apply Online – Cardinal Newman College

How To Apply — Runshaw College

How To Apply | Myerscough College

Information for Parents

Parent and Carer Upskilling

The following institutions have a range of courses which parents and carers may find useful, both in terms of upskilling themselves but also equipping themselves with the skills to support their children even better with their studies.

Adult Courses at Preston College

University Courses at Cardinal Newman College

Courses for Adult Learners at Runshaw College

Further Education at Myerscough College

Health and Wellbeing – LAL – Lancashire Adult Learning

Information for Employers

As part of the Baker Clause we welcome education and training providers to work with us. If you are a provider/employer and would like to offer apprenticeships, information and guidance or work experience placements please contact Mrs Matthews, Lead Teacher for Careers and Aspirations.

Post-16 Options

UK’s Leading Career, Recruitment & Educational Specialist How2Become have provided our library with a number of books on a variety of career pathways. Please see Mrs Wilson in the library for further information and help.

National Careers Service – Post 16 options | National Careers Service
Prospects – Post-16 career choices |

Mrs Matthews is our Lead Teacher for Careers and Aspirations.
Email:  | Tel: 01772 716912

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: