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Our school information and communication system is called School Synergy.  This system helps manage and report on many aspects of school life including behaviour, homework, attendance and communication. 

When a pupil starts attending our school, parents/ carers are invited to create a new Parent Portal Account so that you can view information tailored for your child. Using Synergy, you are able to view parent letters, school calendar/events, student timetables and behaviour.  The behaviour module provides a real time view displaying positive comments and points awarded as well as informing you where aspects of behaviour may be limiting progress. 

School Synergy is the single access point for Parents and Carers providing up to date school news and information, a place to communicate and engage with school and the ability to track the progress and development of your child as it happens. 

Parents/carers will receive a letter with a guide to help you create your individual Parent Portal with a unique reference number for your child. This process is quick and easy to complete but if you have any issues setting School Synergy up please contact us at school.

Please use the following link to access School Synergy.

School to Parent Communication

School are able to send an email, text and/or a notification on the app about a variety of topics such as behaviour concerns and achievements; attendance queries; school news and events or important announcements; individual teacher communication; reports, progress and assessment information.

Parent to School Communication

Parents/carers are able to complete a contact form from the school website or directly within the Parent Portal. This message is received and routed appropriately to the correct person within school and ensures that a response is given.

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is a single place where you can view school information for one or more children. With a Parent Portal Code provided by school, you can register and view attendance, behaviour and achievements, parent letters, school calendar, parent communication, homework and more.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: