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Computing and Computer Science

Curriculum Intent

The young people of today are immersed with technology and it should be our job as educators to show the pupils how it works, how it links to their own personal experience and what the considerations should be for themselves and others. This is because we have the obligation not only to teach the pupil about computing, but also to develop the pupils into good, balanced citizens of the online community whose actions are modelled by the Cardinal Virtues. The use of personal experience during our teaching is a recurring theme as it is important in reminding pupils that they use computing as a part of their everyday life. It is a subject that they need to know about.

It is extremely important first and foremost that the curriculum we have created covers each aspect of the national curriculum but also that it develops the pupils to be confident and consistent in their application of knowledge to computing situations. By the end of key stage 3, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the national curriculum programme of study. However, it should be understood that the pupils will only receive one lesson of computing per week at key stage 3 and so we have selected topics based upon those concepts that are fundamental and allow the pupils to gain a deeper understanding through repeated encounters rather than sacrificing quality and depth at the expense of understanding. As pupils progress, their understanding, confidence and skill-level will grow and the scheme will help them extend and deepen this knowledge of computing and to encourage them to opt to continue their studies within computer science.

Links to prior knowledge and the pupils future is a fundamental part of teaching. Therefore, simply knowing the national curriculum at Key Stage 3 and 4 as discrete modules is not appropriate. The work we do should build upon whatever the pupils have experienced and learned at Key Stage 2 and prepare them for Key Stage 5 with the knowledge and the skills that academia or the world of work requires.

Building upon Key Stage 2

At Corpus Christi we understand that the education that pupils have received at Primary School and the level of understanding of the teachers tasked with delivering the material is incredibly varied. This fact shows that all year 7 pupils should be treated equally but with opportunity for those pupils who received a high standard of education or have a natural ability in the subject to flourish.

All pupils by the end of Key Stage 2 should have been taught to:

· design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
· use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output
· use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
· understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
· use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
· select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
· use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable or unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

The computing curriculum at Key Stage 3, therefore, should develop the understanding and the skills that they have covered whilst also ensuring a parity of education for all pupils in our care by developing their foundational knowledge first from basic principles.

An example of this would be algorithmic thinking where the pupil may know what an algorithm is, but all pupils will be taught about input, storage, process and output as they are the fundamental parts of all computer systems and programs. This will then give all pupils structure to their understanding and allow higher ability pupils to understand more.


The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Subject content

Pupils should be able to solve problems by confidently creating algorithms for a range of situations and be able to write computer programs for these algorithms. They should know how a computer uses binary logic to store data, the components used within a computer system and how they interact with one another and the user. They should understand how a computer works and completes instructions given by the user. They should use their experience of computing within their world to inform decisions about system software, application software and problem solving and be able to select the correct hardware, language or software for the task at hand. They should use computing devices in a safe and responsible manner and be aware of potential risks to their safety online and how to report any issues.

Pupils should be taught:

Computational Thinking
  • design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems
  • understand several key algorithms that reflect computational thinking [for example, ones for sorting and searching]; use logical reasoning to compare the utility of alternative algorithms for the same problem
  • use two or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions
  • understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming; understand how numbers can be represented in binary, and be able to carry out simple operations on binary numbers [for example, binary addition, and conversion between binary and decimal]
  • understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems
  • understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system; understand how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally, in the form of binary digits
Information and Communication Technology
  • undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users
  • create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability
Digital Literacy
  • understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct and know how to report concerns.

Key Stage 4

All pupils must have the opportunity to study aspects of information technology and computer science at sufficient depth to allow them to progress to higher levels of study or to a professional career.

All pupils should be taught to:

  • develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology
  • develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills
  • understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to identify and report a range of concerns.

Preparing the way for Key Stage 5

All that we do at Corpus Christi is geared towards developing the whole person to be a resilient, hard-working, lifelong learners and a contributing member of society. In the CSB department we are no different. The high expectations that we instill of themselves, and others are displayed throughout lessons across the department, and this leads to outstanding progress outlined in the impact section. As well as this, we prepare the pupils for the rigours of learning at Key Stage 5 whereby they will need to be proactive and start revising with the skills we have developed from early in the course in order to prevent poor performance.

It is important to note that the impact section also shows the destinations data which we are proud of. Despite being a small department to have such cohorts opt for our subject and then choose to study computing, computer science or business at Key Stage 5 shows the indelible mark that we leave on the pupils’ lives.

Teaching in the GCSE subjects used to be directly linked to the next steps at Key Stage 5 in terms of using the same exam boards, but sadly a change at Cardinal Newman College means that it is no longer the case. Pupil testimony describes Key Stage 5 topics in computer science and business as being ‘linked but different’ and it appears that the pupils at key stage thrive based upon the knowledge that they have learned at Corpus Christi.

Continued drilling of the fundamentals of Python for instance cannot do anything but help the pupils succeed in any Key Stage 5 course that involves computer programming. The total coverage of the national curriculum ensures that the knowledge they have gained here can be used as a resource and developed at Key Stage 5 by skilful educators.

In business, the keywords remain the same, it is simply the application of the facts that is slightly different and the assessment methods and questions used at Key Stage 5 are more geared towards larger businesses. This builds nicely upon the Edexcel course that we cover where in year 10 the pupils learn about smaller start-ups, then in year 11 learn how those businesses grow moving to questions about multinationals like KFC.

Beyond and Into Careers

Careers education is extremely important in order to inspire and motivate the pupils to outstanding results. Below is a partial list of possible careers linked to computing, computer science or business. During careers education, the options process, in answering pupil queries and, where appropriate, as part of the curriculum, the pupils are taught about some of these roles, invited to research the role, responsibilities and requirements and strive to engage in a career in computing, computer science or business.


Computing/Computer ScienceBusiness
Application Software Developer/EngineerEntrepreneur
Computer Games Developer/EngineerBusiness Manager
Database AdministratorSales Manager
User Experience DesignerProduction Manager
Digital Accessibility SpecialistSupply Chain Operative
Systems Analyst/EngineerEconomist
AI Data SpecialistOperations Manager
Digital Community ManagerProject Manager
Network ManagerHuman Resource Operator
Network EngineerMarket Research Executive
Cyber Security Intelligence OfficerData Analyst
Cyber Security AnalystMarketing Executive
Creative Digital Design ProfessionalAccountant
Social Media ManagerSustainability Business Specialist

KS3 Computing Overview

Year 7

System Security
  • Understand how to access the school network, email, OneDrive and google classroom
  • Know what a password is and how to create a secure one
  • Know what a computer network is
  • Know the modes of connection
  • Understand the threats posed by users to Computer Systems
  • Understand how to limit the threats and methods of prevention
  • Understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy
  • Know how to create a presentation on Microsoft 365 and save to the OneDrive
  • Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals
Computer Programming
  • Understand the four different parts of any computer system
  • Understand how to write an algorithm involving sequence and selection
  • Understand how to identify features of Python code
  • Understand how to write Python code to output and receive input
  • Know how to create a program involving selection (1-level)
  • Know how to create a programming log in Microsoft365 and save it to the OneDrive
  • Understand what a syntax error is and how to correct them
Data Representation in Binary
  • Understand the features of the denary/decimal and binary number systems
  • Understand why computers use the binary number system
  • Understand how to convert denary/decimal whole numbers to binary numbers
  • Understand how to convert binary numbers to denary/decimal whole numbers
  • Understand how to add two binary integers together and explain overflow errors which may occur
  • Know how to setup a spreadsheet with formulae on Microsoft365 and save it to the OneDrive
SQL + Boolean Logic
  • Understand what a database is and what they are for
  • Understand that they are all entities within databases and the issues that it creates
  • Know how to setup a database in Microsoft Access
  • Know how to make appropriate use of data structures
  • Understand what SQL is, what it is for, how to write and correct SQL queries
  • Understand simple Boolean logic and some of its uses in circuits and programming
  • Know the three logic gate diagrams
  • Be able to complete the truth tables for simple logic diagrams

Year 8

Data Representation in Hexadecimal
  • Understand the features of the three different number systems
  • Understand why humans use the hexadecimal number system
  • Understand how to convert binary integers to their hexadecimal equivalents and vice versa
  • Understand how to convert decimal/denary integers to their hexadecimal equivalents and vice versa
  • Know how to setup a spreadsheet with formulae on Microsoft365 and save it to the OneDrive  
  • Understand the use of binary to represent characters and the term ‘character set’
  • Understand the relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set, and the number of characters which can be represented e.g. ASCII Understand why ASCII was extended and Unicode created
Computer Programming
  • Understand the four different parts of any computer system
  • Understand how to write an algorithm involving sequence and selection
  • Understand how to recognise features of Python code
  • Understand how to write Python code to use sequence and selection
  • Understand the concept of casting and the reason for its use
  • Know how to create a program involving selection (2-level or nested)
  • Know how to create a programming log in Microsoft365 and save it to the OneDrive   Understand what a syntax and logic error are and how to correct them
Secondary Storage
  • Understand the need for secondary storage
  • Understand the considerations for selecting secondary storage components
  • Understand the differences between each type of storage component
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different storage components relating to these characteristics
  • Understand the hardware components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems
  • Be able to select suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application  
  • Know how to create a presentation on Microsoft 365 and save to the OneDrive   undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals
Boolean Logic + Searching Algorithms
  • Understand simple Boolean logic and some of its uses in circuits and programming
  • Be able to discuss the issues created by being part of a database  
  • Recognise the three logic gate diagrams
  • Be able to complete the truth tables and draw logic diagrams for logic statements
  • Understand how each searching algorithm works and know the benefits and limitations of each
  • For both searching algorithms:
    • Understand the main steps of each algorithm
    • Understand any pre-requisites of an algorithm
    • Apply the algorithm to a data set
  • Know how to download and open a database in Microsoft Access  
  • Know how to make appropriate use of data structures  
  • Understand what SQL is, what it is for, how to write and correct SQL queries

Year 9

System Architecture
  • Understand the purpose of the CPU
  • Understand the common CPU components and their function
  • Understand how common characteristics of CPUs affect their and the device’s performance
  • Understand the need for primary storage (main memory)
  • Understand the hardware components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems
  • Understand how instructions are stored within a computer system
  • Know how to create a presentation on Microsoft 365 and save to the OneDrive  
  • undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals  
Computer Programming
  • Understand the four different parts of any computer system
  • Understand how to write an algorithm involving sequence, selection and iteration
  • Understand how to recognise features of Python code
  • Understand how to write Python code to use selection and iteration
  • Understand the concept of casting and the reason for its use
  • Know how to create a program involving iteration
  • Know how to create a programming log in Microsoft365 and save it to the OneDrive  
  • Understand what a syntax and logic error are and how to correct them
  • Understand algorithmic thinking and how the principles are used to define and refine problems
System Software
  • Understand the purpose of operating systems
  • Understand how instructions are executed within a computer system
  • Know what each part of an operating system does:
    • User Interface
    • Memory Management
    • Peripheral Management
    • User Management
  • Understand that computers often come with utility software, and how this performs housekeeping tasks and why it is required  
  • Understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy  
Sorting Algorithms + Arrays
  • Be able to debate whether the use of computing to store data is good for society  
  • Understand several key algorithms for searching and sorting that reflect computational thinking
  • Understand how each sorting algorithm works and know the benefits and limitations of each
  • For all three sorting algorithms:
    • Understand the main steps of each algorithm
    • Understand any pre-requisites of an algorithm
    • Apply the algorithm to a data set
  • Know how to make appropriate use of data structures – arrays
  • Know how to add, edit and remove data in an array
  • Understand simple Boolean logic and some of its uses in circuits and programming
  • Recognise the three logic gate diagrams and complete truth tables Be able to create a logic statement from a logic diagram

KS4 Computer Science Overview

Year 10

  • Understand of an array of different algorithms
  • Understand the principles of computational thinking and how they are used to define and refine problems
  • Be able to identify the inputs, processes and outputs for a program
  • Know how to design, create and refine algorithms using:
  • Be able to identify common errors and suggest fixes
  • Be able to replicate the actions of specific searching algorithms and know the benefits of each
  • Be able to replicate the actions of specific sorting algorithms and know the benefits of each
Programming fundamentals
  • Understand and be able to put into practice the programming fundamentals
  • Recognise the use of the basic constructs and operators
  • Know about data types and the use of casting
  • Understand and be able to put into practice the additional programming techniques
Producing Robust Programs
  • Have a broad understanding of how to produce robust programs
  • Understand the principles of defensive design
  • Know the purpose of testing
  • Understand the methods of testing
  • Understand how to select and use suitable test data
Boolean Logic
  • Understand simple Boolean logic diagrams, recognise each symbol and complete the corresponding truth tables
  • Understand how to combine Boolean operators and complete the corresponding truth table
  • Understand how to create, complete or edit logic diagrams and truth tables for given scenarios
  • Apply logical operators in truth tables to solve problems
Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
  • Know about the characteristics and purpose of different types of programming language
  • Know the common tools and facilities available in an IDE to help a programmer develop a program

Year 11

Systems architecture
  • Understand the purpose of the CPU
  • Know and be able to explain the stages of the fetch-execute cycle
  • Know about the role of the components within the CPU and how they are involved with the F-E Cycle
  • Know about the Von Neumann architecture and how each register works and what they store
  • Understand what the common characteristics of CPUs are and how they affect performance of the CPU and therefore the device
  • Know the purpose and characteristics of embedded systems
  • Be able to give and explain examples of embedded systems
Memory and Storage
  • Understand the need for primary storage
  • Know the difference between RAM and ROM
  • Understand the purpose of ROM in a computer system
  • Understand the purpose of RAM in a computer system
  • Know about virtual memory
  • Understand the need for secondary storage
  • Recognise a range of secondary storage devices/media and know the differences between them
  • Be able to compare the advantages and disadvantages for each storage device/media
  • Be able to select suitable storage devices and media for a given application
  • Be able to apply the knowledge about secondary storage in context within given scenarios
  • Understand the units of data storage
  • Be able to convert data units
  • Know why data must be stored in binary format to be processed by a computer
  • Understand data capacity and be able to calculate data capacity requirements
  • Be able to convert positive denary whole numbers to binary numbers and vice versa
  • Be able to add two binary integers together and explain overflow errors which may occur
  • Be able to convert positive denary whole numbers into 2-digit hexadecimal numbers and vice versa
  • Be able to convert binary integers to their hexadecimal equivalents and vice versa
  • Understand the effect of a binary shift (both left and right) on a number
  • Know about the use of binary codes to represent characters
  • Know about the term character set
  • Understand the relationship between the number of bits per character in a set and the number of characters which can be represented
  • Understand how an image is represented as a series of pixels represented in binary
  • Know about metadata and what it stores about the image
  • Understand the effect of colour depth and resolution on the quality of an image and size of an image file
  • Understand how analogue sound can be sampled and stored in digital form
  • Understand the effect of sample rate, bit depth and duration on the quality of playback and size of an sound file
  • Understand the need for compression
  • Know about and be able to describe the differences, advantages and disadvantages between the types of compression
  • Be able to select the right type of compression for a given scenario
Computer networks, connections and protocols
  • Know about the characteristics of the types of network
  • Understand different factors that affect the performance of a network
  • Understand the different roles of computers in a client-server and peer-to-peer network
  • Know about the hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a LAN and the tasks performed by each piece of hardware
  • Know about the concept of the internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Cloud
  • Know about and understand the advantages and disadvantages of Star and mesh topologies
  • Apply the understanding of networks to a given scenario
  • Know about the modes of connection and the benefits and drawbacks of each
  • Be able to recommend one or more connections for a given scenario
  • Understand the principle of encryption to secure data across the network connections
  • Understand IP addressing and the format of an IP address (v4+v6)
  • Understand what a MAC address is and what it is used for within a network
  • Understand the principle that standards provide rules for areas of computing and allow hardware and software to interact across different manufacturers
  • Understand the principle of a protocol to be a set of rules for transferring data between devices on a network
  • Know about the different protocols and the purpose of each one
  • Understand the concept of layers and how they are used in protocols
  • Understand the benefits of using layers e.g. the TCP/IP model
Network security
  • Know about the forms of attack, how they are used and the purpose of each
  • Understand the threats posed to the devices
  • Know about the common prevention methods and how they limit the threats posed by the forms of attack
  • Understand which methods can be used to remove vulnerabilities
Systems software
  • Understand the purpose and functionality of operating systems
  • Know the features of a user interface
  • Understand that data is transferred between devices and processor
  • Understand that the process needs to be managed and what this entails
  • Understand the function of user management
  • Understand the function of file management and the key features
  • Understand the purpose and functionality of utility software and how it performs house-keeping tasks
  • Know about utility software and why it is required
Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
  • Understand that technology introduces ethical, legal, cultural, environmental and privacy issues
  • Know about the impacts of digital technology on wider society and be able to give examples
  • Be able to discuss the impact of technology around the issues
  • Understand the purpose of legislation within Computer Science
  • Know about piece of legislation relevant to Computer Science and what each allows or prohibits
  • Understand the need to license software and its purpose
  • Understand the features, benefits and drawbacks of the types of software license
  • Be able to recommend a type of license for a given scenario


At Corpus Christi we believe that all pupils should be equipped with and supported in developing a high level of reading and literacy capability, as is required by each subject discipline. In computing we use all four strands of the literacy strategy laid out by the whole-school policy.

Firstly, when embarking upon new learning the subject specific terminology will always be thoroughly explained and highlighted in a different colour based upon whether they have been used before in the curriculum to show new learning or the prior learning that links to the new topic. Any words with double meanings will be in the scheme of work, but any new revelations should always be highlighted and added to the scheme of work.

Reading ages will be used by the teacher when considering seating plans to ensure that there is support for the weaker pupils. In lower ability classes, activities will be differentiated to avoid long pieces of text and these could be broken down into smaller chunks in order to differentiate the learning. Marking and feedback should be used to address common misspelled words that do not appear in the scheme.

In computing it is necessary to read pieces of computer programs, known as code. In the first instance, in Year 7, this code will be broken down and annotated thoroughly explaining what it says, what that code means and describing what it does for the computer system. In subsequent years, the pupils will be expected to annotate what they recognise and then have anything new explained and taught by the teacher. Pattern recognition is required, but this is not usually of the text, it is of the colours and the layouts of the language used.

The department does not generally use long passages of reading in teaching, but at times, the pupils will be given pieces of text to stick into their exercise books. It is important that the pupils are given time to read and ask any questions about the content of these pieces of text, but the teacher will always explain every aspect of the text on the board. Following the explanation, it is imperative that all teachers then give the pupils the further opportunity to ask any supporting questions.

The pupils will be aware of the expectations we set as a department for discussions and verbal responses because there is always a list on the board of words that we will not allow them to use. This will improve their descriptions and by promoting the use of keywords it will help engage them and lead to much-improved verbal response. By removing their ability to use words such as you, something, stuff, thing, if etc. the pupils are forced to think about the vocabulary they will use and how they will say it rather than just taking for granted that they know it.

During feedback from discussions, the pupils must be corrected if they use one of these words and be encouraged to think about what words they could use instead. This will begin to improve their written responses when they are ready. In Year 7, the response could also be written/typed onto the IWB in real time to show how the response is improving just by changing some words thereby modelling an appropriate response.


At Corpus Christi, we believe that high quality summative assessment must primarily enable pupils to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding acquired throughout the implementation of the planned curriculum. In computing, we create assessments that only test the content of the scheme of work which are appropriate to the skill and ability level of the pupils. The pupils only complete assessments at appropriate times within the context of the course rather than on a pre-defined schedule. These are then used to help the teacher better understand the knowledge and retention of the pupils and informs next steps in terms of teaching, misconceptions and any academic intervention required. Reviewing assessments informs pupils about what gaps exist within their knowledge and what they need to do to improve.

It is the responsibility of each teacher to ensure their classes are suitably ready for assessments and all content has been covered thoroughly. The Head of Department ensures that assessments are checked and verified with line managers and that there is a clear and shared rationale for the awarding of progress grades for reporting to parents. This will incorporate the use of formative assessment, enabling teachers to use their daily feedback through questioning and marking, to inform decisions related to progress grades.

Curriculum Impact

Year 11 computer science results show a positive increase in 9-5% and 9-7% from the previous year and these values are above OCR national average.  

As well as this, the SPI figure is vastly increased (0.20 to 0.90). This shows that pupils attending Corpus Christi are achieving nearly a grade higher than their counterparts at other schools. 

Year 11 business results show a vast increase in the 9-7% compared to previous years. 29% of the cohort achieved a 9-7 grade compared to 22.6% for Edexcel and 19% nationally which is testament to their hard work and effort. 

The SPI has stayed consistent (0.52 compared to 0.48) and the average number of marks attained by the cohort across both papers increased by 1.5 marks. 

The department are happy that 52% of business pupils achieved grade 9-5 and that is exactly the national average. The department also celebrate the fact that 42% of computer science pupils achieved grade 5-9 and that nearly 10% of the pupils achieved a grade 9-7. 

With year 10 grades in the summer examinations being higher on average in both subjects, we are all hopeful of even better results in 2025!


At Corpus Christi we pride ourselves on ensuring that the pupils know what further education and training exists, what courses are available and how to access them. A significant minority of pupils, with the vast array of other subjects that they do and which are available to them at college, as well as those undertaking apprenticeships and T-Levels, continue their studies in computer science and business as seen in the table below.

Destinations Data20232024
Pupils% of Total Cohort% of Dept CohortPupils% of Total Cohort% of Dept Cohort
Year 11 Cohort149157
Business Cohort5637.63322.1
Business in FE1711.430.362013.435.71
Business-related in FE1711.430.362315.443.07
Computer Science Cohort3221.53120.8
Computer Science in FE96.028.1342.712.50
Computer Science-related in FE106.731.2561.018.75

IT and Digital Literacy in the Computing Curriculum

Computing is more than just learning about the 0s and 1s inside the electronic devices. It is extremely important that the pupils learn about how to use the computers and specific applications in order to prepare them for the world of work as well as understand how to be safe on the computers by being more prudent in their decision making. 

At Key Stage 3 the pupils engage in activities specifically designed to ensure that the pupils understand the difference between computer science, information technology and digital literacy. By teaching them this distinction, the pupils then have the opportunity to recap and display their prior knowledge from lessons at Corpus Christi and that which is gleaned from other sources, be it life lessons or from home.

Information Technology

The national curriculum states that: 

  • pupils must undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users 
  • pupils must create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability 

    At Corpus Christi we define information technology as learning about the use of the applications on the devices and we cover this in the following ways: 

Year 7

Most of the Year 7 curriculum is built towards learning about computing as for most of the pupils this will be the first time that they have been taught computing by an expert in the field. The department have fashioned ways in which to embed IT skills within existing new learning allowing the pupils to show the skills that they have learned at key stage 2 and build upon them as part of the computing curriculum.

First and foremost, the pupils work on the computers in the first few lessons learning about passwords, email, use of google classroom and word processing. As part of this unit they send an email, learn basic word processing skills, save a file to their OneDrive to be used at home and share a file to an assignment. These are all key skills not just in computing, but across the curriculum as well as in life. 

Moving on from this unit, later in the year to further embed the skills learned, the pupils use devices in school and at home to produce a presentation about their home network. This requires them to research, find/take images of the devices and, importantly, recaps the learning from the lesson to give the presentation a focus. The pupils are taught about target audiences, master slides as well as designing the slides and transitions. This is then revisited in year 8 and 9. 

As part of the programming unit, the pupils will create a log of the programs that they have written. This is then used, in conjunction with the snipping tool, to record what computer programs they have created, what they did and what the code looks like. This helps the pupils reuse the skills that they learned in word processing as well as learning a new skill of ‘snipping’ the image on their screen which is used later on in other subjects. 

Finally, the database unit is an IT skill whereby the pupils learn about the keywords of databases and how to create one in Access. The pupils are taught their second text-based programming language of SQL and learn how to create queries. 

Year 8

In year 8 the pupils practice the skills required in word processing by using Python to type out the computer programs as well as completing the programming log once again. As part of the programming unit, the pupils will create a log of the programs that they have written. This is then used, in conjunction with the snipping tool, to record what computer programs they have created, what they did and what the code looks like. This helps the pupils reuse the skills that they learned in word processing as well as learning a new skill of ‘snipping’ the image on their screen which is used later on in other subjects.

Spreadsheets are introduced to year 8 on two occasions because this is the optimal location in the curriculum to cover them. It makes the most sense that a spreadsheet would be used to calculate the conversions of binary to decimal and vice versa where the pupils learn about cell references, columns, rows and formulae. This reiterates the use of IF statements in a different way but builds upon their understanding from year 7 Python programming.  

The second opportunity to cover spreadsheets is during an ELD session whereby all of the pupils in year 8 will learn about how to use some other formulae, autofill and how to create and label a simple chart about deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. This is a vital opportunity to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate what they learned earlier in the year whilst also building upon that knowledge with a new skill i.e. creating charts. 

Finally, the database unit allows the pupils to recap the keywords of databases and how to create one in Access from year 7. The pupils are then taught about searching algorithms and how it links to the SQL language that they learned about in year 7. 

Year 9

In year 9 the pupils practice the skills required in word processing by using Python to type out the computer programs as well as completing the programming log once again. The presentation this year is about using their understanding of the CPU and asks the pupils to select the Christmas/Birthday present that they would want to replace their current device be it a phone or laptop etc. Again, it will be started in school, completed at home and the pupils will be reintroduced to master slide, target audience and how to share a link to the file to google classroom. 

Finally, the database unit allows the pupils to recap the keywords of databases and how to create one in Access from year 7 and 8. The pupils are then taught about sorting algorithms and arrays as a furtherment of their studies in the topic of databases. 

Digital Literacy

The national curriculum states that pupils must understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns 

At Corpus Christi we define digital literacy as an awareness of the dangers and pitfalls that are linked to the use of electronic devices and learning about the importance of using good judgment and decision making whilst using them. We cover this in the following ways: 

Year 7

At the start of year 7, the pupils are taught a series of lessons in the appropriate use of email, OneDrive and how this can be used in their everyday life at Corpus Christi and beyond. Once the pupils are placed into sets, the pupils learn about the intricacies of passwords and the need to be safe and secure with regards to technology and electronic devices in general as well as online. The pupils learn about various threats to their devices in particular such as click-bait and how to avoid them. This learning is then recapped at various intervals throughout the year. 

At the end of year 7, the pupils learn about databases and how they are used to store data. This is important as it leads to the opportunity in year 8 to discuss the different databases that they are currently a part of, even at 12 or 13 years old. At this stage it is important to recap the learning from the start of the year the need to make good decisions with our passwords and personal data because no-one knows who would be able to access it. 

Year 8

In year 8 there is an understanding by all teachers of computing that the personal safety team will teach the pupils about digital literacy explicitly and following on from that, it is important for the department to recap and reiterate the learning from those lessons at every opportunity. Topics such as cookies and disinformation can be used at different times to reengage the pupils in the learning from those critical lessons. 

Databases are recapped as mentioned above in year 7, but to extend the pupils’ understanding they will be given the opportunity to discuss which databases they have given their data to, which ones they feel are safe and secure and which they feel they may have ‘made a mistake’ with giving them their data. Showing them examples of secure websites that have been hacked allows them to see that their fears about the less secure websites might be well founded and change their outlook about who should have their data in the future. 

Year 9

The programming unit is beginning to branch out into the use of AI to create the computer programs that they have designed using algorithms. This is a perfect opportunity to broach its continued use in the world, its benefits and drawbacks and particularly intellectual property as well as disinformation. The pupils can recap the learning from year 8 about the difference between misinformation and disinformation at this point. 

In year 9, the pupils learn about operating systems. As part of this unit, they recap passwords and discuss user management. They are encouraged to debate the use of user access levels and parental controls as a means to help keep them safe and make sure that they make correct choices when using technology. The concept of ‘child’s accounts’ is discussed as well as their apparent uselessness when thinking about young adults. This topic can also be used to stimulate thinking about fraudulent accounts, who would lie about their age and why and hopefully promote some good discussion about how to improve the safeguards in the future. 

Finally, the last part of learning about databases encourages the pupils to debate the prevalent use of them throughout the world, the use of technology and the need for basic safeguards with regards to data of all people and in particularly children. They recap their understanding of the use of databases to store personal data and are encouraged to debate how devices are used in society, what should be done to protect data and who is responsible when data is lost, used for nefarious purposes or edited inappropriately. This opportunity is also taken to recap the digital literacy topics taught in year 8 by the personal safety team.

IT and Digital Literacy in the CPSHE and ELD Curriculum

Every opportunity must be taken to revisit and embed the key skills of IT and the understanding of digital literacy. As a result, the department takes full advantage of each and every ELD and has embedded some topics into the CPSHE curriculum which are key for the betterment of the pupils, ensure total coverage of the national curriculum and allow the department to exceed the national curriculum.

Information Technology

The national curriculum states that:

· pupils must undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users
· pupils must create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability

At Corpus Christi we cover this in the following ways:

Year 7

As part of the year 7 democracy day, the pupils learn about how to type a formal letter in Microsoft Word on Microsoft365 embedding their understanding from the home network presentation in class. In order to type the letter out correctly they are required to learn about alignment, spend time typing on a keyboard and learn about fonts which are fundamental to being able to word process.

Year 8

Spreadsheets are covered in the Geography ELD where the pupils learn about deforestation in the amazon rainforest. The pupils must access a link to a file, download it and then add formulae and graphs to it in order to fill in the gaps in the data and visually represent it in the form of a graph. The pupils then learn how to label the graph appropriately and discuss what they could be used to do.

Being able to type and word process is important for the computing and English ELD whereby the pupils are given some code to correct and type into Python to create their own game based upon the “Choose your own adventure” series of games. The pupils need to type the code in and check it for errors in order to run and test it albeit not in a word processor.

Digital Literacy

The national curriculum states that pupils must understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns.

At Corpus Christi we cover this in the following ways:

Year 8

The personal safety team in CPSHE teach the pupils explicitly about digital literacy covering a large swath of topics. The pupils learn about cookies, targeted advertising, cyberbullying and the difference between misinformation and disinformation during a suite of three lessons. These are recapped during the year with lessons about the three elements of computing.

Year 10

All pupils in year 10 engage in a digital literacy day with each session covering one element of the four Cs. This covers the use of cookies, radicalisation, cyberbullying/sexting and grooming for the purposes of sexual exploitation and county lines.

KS4 Information and Communication Technology

All pupils at Corpus Christi have the opportunity to study aspects of information technology and computer science at sufficient depth to allow them to progress to higher levels of study or to a professional career. 

All pupils are taught to: 

Curriculum AspectWhere taught
develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology All pupils access and develop these skills through Extended Learning Days and CPSHE. There are also aspects in the various schemes of work across the KS4 curriculum.
develop and apply their analytical, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills All pupils access and develop these skills through Extended Learning Days and CPSHE. There are also aspects in the various schemes of work across the KS4 curriculum, particularly in Mathematics which is studied by all pupils.
understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to identify and report a range of concerns.This is taught explicitly as part of the Personal Safety strand of CPSHE, with other aspects touched on as part of Healthy Relationships and Sex Education (HRSE).

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: