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‘Levels of attendance are remarkably high ‘

Ofsted 2024

At Corpus Christi Catholic High School, we expect excellent attendance and punctuality. We recognise that attending school has a positive impact on learning, progress and therefore, the best life chances for our pupils. We encourage excellence for all pupils, by offering an environment in which pupils feel valued and part of the school community.

The Senior Attendance Champion for Corpus Christi Catholic High School is Mr M Whittle, Assistant Headteacher. He can be contacted via email at or by telephoning school reception on (01772) 716912.

Procedures and Information

Outline of common procedures and expectations

Pupils must be on site by 8.30am. All pupils who arrive after 8.30am should sign in at the main office. If we still have no reason for your child’s absence, then a text message will be sent to your mobile or home phone, to inform you that your child is not in school. This may be followed up with a call and/or home visit.

What do I do if my child is absent?

If your child is unable to attend school, it is vital that you contact school at the earliest opportunity. This can be done via text or phone call. If your child is not well enough to attend school and the absence is more than one day, we expect you to continue to notify us of their absence and provide a note on their return. In cases where absence is four days or more we may ask for medical evidence.

What is acceptable attendance?

We expect all pupils to aim for 100% attendance. Anything above 97% is considered excellent. Any attendance (authorised or unauthorised) below 95% would initiate an intervention by the school. This would start simply as informal mentoring from our form tutors. Once attendance starts to fall below 90%, heads of year would become involved. Persistent absentee cases, where attendance falls below 85% would be picked up by the attendance lead and external agencies. This could ultimately result in legal action against parents.

What does the school do to promote excellent attendance?

There are on-going attendance rewards throughout the year. Each half term there is a rewards assembly for each year group where certificates are given for outstanding attendance. There is also a prize draw for pupils who have had good attendance throughout the half term. In addition to this, there are three attendance reward trips throughout the year. These are open to all pupils who achieve good attendance in that term. Reward trips run every term for specific year groups. Throughout the school, we have individuals and teams where pupils can go to for advice, counselling and direction. This includes our pastoral team, learning mentors and attendance team.

National School Attendance Award

We have once again received notification that our attendance rate for this academic year is in the top 10% of all schools nationally. It has been confirmed again that we are in fact in the top 1% of all FFT secondary schools in the country for attendance and rank number one in the country when compared to similar schools.

We would like to thank all parents and carers for their support in ensuring that their child has strong attendance. The evidence demonstrates that pupils with at least 97% attendance achieve well. The evidence also demonstrates that those with below 97% do not achieve well, which is why we place so much emphasis on the importance of strong attendance.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: