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CPSHE (Citizenship, Personal, Social, Health and Economic education)

‘I have come so that people may live and that they may enjoy life to the full.’

John 10:10

Citizenship and Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education are an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. 

CPSHE is a vital and intrinsic part of our school curriculum, which ensure that pupils are fully prepared for the wider world and to be good, safe citizens with an awareness of the importance of the Virtues and British Values, and how they support each other.

‘Pupils have an exceptional understanding of the importance of the fundamental British Values. They respect the many differences that exist between people.’

Ofsted 2024

At Corpus Christi, CPSHE is predominantly taught on a rolling programme once every two weeks. Pupils are taught in their form groups and, from Years 7-10, have three lessons in six discrete themed blocks throughout the year, which are: Citizenship, Healthy Mind and Body, Personal Safety, Financial Capability, Careers and Study Skills and Healthy Relationships and Sex Education (HRSE). Pupils in Year 11 only have lessons from four of these blocks, due to their examination commitments. HRSE lessons and some Healthy Mind and Body lessons are taught in single gender groups due to the specific nature of the content. Some elements of our CPSHE provision are also covered as part of our Extended Learning Day programme.

‘Pupils benefit from an impressive programme that supports their personal development.’

Ofsted 2024

Teaching staff are allocated to one of the six teams and work under a team leader, with Mr Warham, Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum) as overall co-ordinator. Pupils are taught in teachers’ classrooms, with rooms allocated to staff who do not have their own rooms. Paper registers are completed to fulfil attendance requirements.

Full schemes of work have been written by the teams themselves and are in a state of constant development, change and evaluation. These meet all curriculum requirements as well as diocesan guidelines, and were praised in our most recent Section 48 inspection.

‘The school has a compelling and thorough approach to Human Relationships and Sex Education. The scheme is incorporated into the wider (CPSHE) syllabus, and is underpinned by a clarity of policy, good planning, and experitse in delivery.’

Denominational Inspection Report (Section 48) 2022

Please click on the headings below to learn more about each of the six key areas of our CPSHE curriculum.


Team Leader: Mr P Veevers

Citizenship education is a National Curriculum subject that develops knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils need to play a full part in democratic society, as active and responsible citizens. Pupils are taught about democracy, politics, parliament and voting. They also learn about human rights, justice, the law, media and information literacy, climate change and sustainability, personal finance and the economy. Political literacy is developed alongside the skills of active citizenship through practical opportunities to address issues of concern by taking different forms of responsible, democratic action and campaigning. Throughout the subject teaching is brought to life using real, topical issues and case studies in local to global contexts.

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10
Right and ResponsibilitiesRules and LawsParliamentSystems of Government
‘Precious Liberties’British Justice SystemVoting Systems and ElectionsThe UK’s relationship with other countries
Parliament and the MonarchPolice and CourtsPolitical PartiesBeing a good citizen/Volunteering

Healthy Mind and Body

Lead Teacher: Mr R Bardon

Having a healthy mind and body are essential for enjoying a healthy, productive and fruitful live, and maximising your potential in everything you do. The structure and delivery of the course’s curriculum will enable you to develop your skills in maintaining a healthy mind and body, and learning strategies to achieve this. This will include healthy eating, the importance of exercise, the effect of the media, positive thinking, dealing with stress and how to relax, and making choices in life.

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
Body Image and Self EsteemBeing HealthyMoving into Key Stage 4Relationships with FoodPhysical and Mental Wellbeing
Emotional and Mental WellbeingBody Image and the MediaPeer PressureGirls – Breast and
Cervical Cancer
Boys – Testicular Cancer
Anxiety and Depression
Healthy LivingSports DrinksSelf-RespectPromoting Emotional WellbeingBeing Your Best

Personal Safety

Lead Teacher: Miss C Yates

Schools can help children and young people to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to keep themselves safe now and in the future. This includes teaching pupils how to identify risk and manage personal safety in face-to-face and online social settings. Children and young people must also know where to get advice and report concerns about their own or others’ personal safety. Areas which are covered include accident prevention, drug education, online safety, weapons and gangs, as well as accessing help and support.

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10
Road SafetyCyberbullyingPeer PressureAlcohol
Water SafetyOnline ScamsSmokingDrugs
Fire SafetyBeing Safe OnlineKnivesGangs

Financial Capability

Lead Teacher: Mrs K Vescovi

Financial capability and literacy is “the capacity, based on knowledge, skills and access, to manage financial resources effectively”. This set of skills can help pupils achieve financial well-being, which happens when they can fully meet current and ongoing financial obligations, feel secure in their financial future, and are capable of making decisions that allow them to enjoy life. They acquire and develop these skills through a variety of lessons, resources and support.

Year 7
Making the most
of your money
Year 8
Banking and Consumer
Year 9
Financial Risk and
Cost of Living
Year 10
Borrowing and
Year 11
Moving On
from School
Money Needs and WantsBanks and savings accountsGambling – money and mental healthBorrowing and Debt incl. Mortgages and Pay Day LoansNext Steps – moving on from school
Introduction to BudgetingPaying for things including
new ways (eg: Apple Wallet)
InsuranceCost of DebtEarnings and Payslips
Ethical ConsumerismKnow your rightsGame of Life – cost of livingIdentity Theft and FraudFuture Support

Careers and Study Skills

Lead Teacher: Mrs R Matthews

Through our integrated careers programme and the encounters which this affords, our pupils are provided with the information and skills to make informed choices about which pathways best suit their academic and aspirational needs, and are prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training. They are motivated to reach their full potential and pursue rewarding, fulfilling and aspirational careers. We are one of the few schools in Lancashire whose career provision has achieved all eight Gatsby benchmarks for the third consecutive year. We also fulfil the requirements of the Baker Clause with reference to encounters with colleges and training providers with regard to non-academic routes of further study and training. The study skills section of the curriculum equips pupils with the necessary tools to maximise their learning and plan for success.

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
Providing the ‘big picture’Aspirations and ResilienceProviding the pathwaysWork ExperienceKey Employability Skills
Current ambitionsCareers and Labour MarketOptionsPersonal Statements and CV’sPost 16 Further Education Options
Expecting your bestAmbitions and ObstaclesApprenticeships, T-Levels and other
Post 16 Apprenticeship OptionsCompetencies and Personal Qualities

Healthy Relationships and Sex Education

Lead Teacher: Mr S McMahon

At Corpus Christi Catholic High School we are inspired by Jesus to lead lives that are purposeful and enable us to fulfil our talents. We care for one another and show mutual respect and love through our relationships with one another. In this way, Jesus is invited into our hearts. In the Beatitudes, Jesus invites us to lead a full life with him by explaining what makes people blessed or happy. Though this we grow in our understanding of how loving our neighbour enables us to be happy too. Happiness can only be truly achieved when we have a good relationship with ourselves, recognising our God-given dignity. This enables us to enter into relationships with other people in our lives, which help us grow and flourish, and we respect that everyone is a unique and beautiful part of God’s creation. We are all children of God, created equal and called to grow in love for him through the person of Jesus Christ and to spread the Good News through the work of the Holy Spirit. We are gifted with the love of God and the ability to love others. Our sexuality is part of our total self-gift of the heart and we seek to bring the young people in our care to know the beauty, goodness and truth of the Church’s teaching about how to lead a fulfilled life as they grow and change from children into young adults.

CPSHE aims to:

  • develop self-respect and love of self;
  • invite young people to develop and deepen a loving relationship with God;
  • invite young people to understand that their life has a purpose;
  • invite young people to develop and deepen relationships with each other based on mutual respect and care, and understand that this can be an expression of God’s love;
  • foster an understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church about how to live a full life, a life of virtue, and the place of human sexuality in living a full life, marriage and parenthood;
  • have a strong awareness of their own safety and the nature of consent;
  • have an understanding of the law in England about equality and marriage, appropriate to age and maturity
Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
PubertySexual ExploitationConsentDomestic ViolenceHealthy Relationships
Healthy RelationshipsSextingSexual HealthPromiscuityPregnancy
Sexual HealthDrugs and AlcoholPornographySexualityParenthood


The Church recognises parents as the first educators of their children, Corpus Christ Catholic High School is committed to supporting parents in this task. Our role will be to assist and complete the work of parents, furnishing children and adolescents with an evaluation of “sexuality as value and task of the whole person, created male and female in the image of God” (Educational Guidance in Human Love (1983) Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education n69). Pupils’ first experience of relationships and love are in the home. At Corpus Christ Catholic High School, we seek to work with parents and support them as their children grow and begin to develop their own character, as well as experiencing changes in their physical appearance. The parent voice group will be consulted about this policy before it is ratified by the governing body. Parents are informed of their right to withdraw their children from CPSHE and relevant science lessons, however, they are not able to withdraw their children from statutory science lessons.

CPSHE Timetable 2024/25

The CPSHE curriculum is primarily delivered through six blocks of three lessons which are scheduled on a rolling programme, beginning with Tuesday, lesson 1. These are blocked in three consecutive weeks during lessons one, three and five on the same day, to promote continuity of learning and minimise disruption to the regular timetable.

Year GroupBlock 1Block 2Block 3Block 4Block 5Block 6
Year 7Careers and Study SkillsPersonal SafetyHRSECitizenshipHealthy Mind and BodyFinancial Capability
Year 8Healthy Mind and BodyCitizenshipPersonal SafetyFinancial CapabilityHRSECareers and Study Skills
Year 9CItizenshipHRSECareers and Study SkillsPersonal SafetyFinancial CapabilityHealthy Mind and Body
Year 10Personal SafetyHealthy Mind and BodyFinancial CapabilityCareers and Study SkillsCitizenshipHRSE
Year 11Financial CapabilityCareers and Study SkillsHealthy Mind and BodyHRSERevision

Parental Right to Withdraw Procedure:

  • The HRSE curriculum will be made available on the school website.
  • Letters will be sent out to parents before CPSHE content is covered in the science curriculum. Parents do not have a right to withdraw pupils from these statutory lessons. 
  • The school newsletter will highlight the CPSHE curriculum, particularly when sensitive topics are to be explored. Parents will have a right to withdraw their child, by contacting the Headteacher, no later than the start of the school day when the lesson will take place.

For further information regarding our CPSHE curriculum please contact:
Mr Warham, email: or telephone school reception: (01772) 716912.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: