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Advent Services

The third week of Advent, and our final week in school, is signified by the lighting of the rose-coloured candle of the advent wreath. The theme the Church gives to this week is ‘Joy’ in Latin ‘Gaudete’ Rejoice! 

As year groups pupils have been participating in our Advent services focusing on “The Real Nativity” debunking the myths and focusing on the facts of Jesus’ birth. The Nativity scene we know today was introduced by St Francis of Assisi, showing the holy family in their stable, Jesus was born into poverty and was a refugee, but God had a plan for Jesus, Mary and Joseph and a plan for all of us too because he loves us.

Pupils have heard from our faith-in-action pupils and staff reading scripture passages describing the events of this first Christmas. Pupils have read prayers of intercessions praying for our community and our world and heard reflections by our Chaplain, Fr Stephen, and Ruth and Immy our chaplaincy coordinators.  Pupils have had an opportunity to sing carols and listen to the choir sing ‘Maria Walks Amid the Thorn‘, a piece of music that speaks of new life that springs forth as Mary carries the child Jesus through the world. 

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: