Extended Learning Days provide enrichment to the curriculum and facilitate a greater variety of learning experiences for pupils by engaging with topical issues, learning about the wider world, providing help and guidance for the future, whilst also allowing to develop essential skills such as teamwork, problem solving and self-confidence.
Year 7 took part in a uniformed services day where they got to hear about possible career pathways in
these areas. They received CPR training from the NHS, a whistle stop tour to the public services course
from Preston College, input from the RAF, Air Cadets, Sea Cadets and Royal Marine cadets about the
opportunities to broaden their horizons, an introduction to policing, and water safety from the fire
service. The external visitors were incredibly impressed with their behaviour and engagement. A great
day was had by all.
Year 8 enjoyed a day in the Physical Education department. They took part in activities aimed at developing
teamwork, co-ordination and agility. Pupils played catch the flag, frisbee and tested their knowledge in a
sports quiz. Thank you to Eden Singleton Dance Company who led popular cheerleading and street dance
Year 9 pupils visited Liverpool. Prior to the visit pupils have learned about the regeneration of the centre of
Liverpool in their geography lessons. To support their learning in class, pupils completed an Environmental
Quality Survey. This enabled pupils to find out if the impact of regeneration on The Albert Dock is positive
or negative. Pupils also visited Liverpool One, which enabled them to see how much the centre of Liverpool
has improved as a result of a variety of regeneration schemes.
Year 10 pupils had a day looking at the theme of life and death, which makes up part of their RE GCSE.
Pupils had a session on arguments for and against Euthanasia, Eschatology, Catholic funeral rite, and
signs and symbols of the resurrection in Christianity. Pupils had opportunities to have two quickfire
keyword revision sessions and a computer session completing tasks on Seneca learning. The day
ended with Mr Fetherston leading a walkthrough mock exam going over past GCSE questions from the
topic areas pupils had studied that day.