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Lent Almsgiving – Mary’s Meals

Throughout Lent, pupils and staff took part in a variety of activities in order to raise funds for our Lent Almsgiving charity, Mary’s Meals. The charity aims to feed children throughout the world, supplying them with a nutritious meal every school day. Just 8 pence can feed a child for a day.

We saw pupils on stalls during break and lunch times lining the hallway to Il Cenacolo selling sweets, holding raffles, leading competitions such as ‘guess the number of sweets in a jar’ and promoting art challenges. There were planned events such as ‘I’m a Teacher… Get me out of here!’ and ‘Corpus Christi’s got talent’.

We are proud to say the total money raised for Mary’s Meals during Lent was £2,134.37.

This record-breaking amount equates to 28,929 meals, meaning over 134 children will be fed for a whole year thanks to the excellent effort of our pupils and staff. Thank you also to our parents for supporting the events. 

On Monday 16 May we welcomed Anne Lee, a representative for the Mary’s Meals charity. Our year 10 house captains met Anne to present her with the cheque. She was delighted, thanked pupils, staff and parents for all of their efforts and emphasised the impact that every penny raised has, saying ‘what your school has done will change the lives of 134 children, providing them with a good nutritious meal every day for a whole year’. 

During the fundraising events, pupils worked in their forms to raise money and earnt points for their house.

The house competition looked like it had been won by Arrowsmith with the other houses trailing far behind. Once all the money and tokens raised had been handed in, the final result was much closer, and each house raised the following:

Clitherow: £595.66
Arrowsmith: £661.99
Haydock: £693.20

Well done to everyone who worked incredibly hard and contributed to the fundraising.

Market Stalls

Corpus Christi’s Got Talent

As part of the fundraising activities, a talent show was held on Tuesday 29 March. Over £150.00 was raised in ticket sales. Pupils and parents were treated to spectacular performances from musicians, a dancer, a magician and a gymnast. Well done to all of the acts, particularly the overall winner Courtney Oliver, with her incredible dancing display.

I’m a Teacher.. Get me out of here!

Another popular event held this week was ‘I’m a Teacher… Get me out of here’, raising over £200.00. Pupils watched as teachers represented their house in a ‘bush tucker trial’ event, bravely drinking bug milkshake, and eating brains, snouts and hearts! Mr Wilkinson, representing Clitherow house proved to have the strongest stomach, earning extra points for his house. Well done to all involved.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: