All pupils have a target to achieve 100% in their overall progress score.
Progress of pupils is reported three times per year and each teacher provides judgements on the four areas of homework, behaviour, effort and progress through the curriculum. Grades of 1-4 are awarded, 1 being outstanding and 4 being inadequate.
The judgements are combined to calculate a percentage which is a pupil’s overall progress score.
Pupils who are achieving a score above 80% are making progress which is good or better. Pupils whose score is below 80% are not making as much progress.
The report shows the average overall score for the year group so parents can see how their child is performing in relation to his/her peers.
The report clearly shows where pupils can make the most improvements. Areas awarded grades 3 or 4 are clearly a concern and are affecting the progress of the pupil. These are target areas for improvement.