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School House Champions

All our pupils are allocated into one of our three school houses namely Arrowsmith, Clitherow and Haydock. Throughout the year pupils accumulate points for their house to encourage teamwork and competitiveness to achieve ‘School House Champions’ status at the end of the year.

Points are collected by participating in volunteering, competitions, having excellent behaviour, attaining good attendance and submitting outstanding homework etc. Pupils are always encouraged to achieve as many house points for their house as possible.

Well done to this term’s present leading house points earners (significantly all from Year 8, which must please Mr Wilson, Head of Year):

Yuvraj Singh (Haydock) accumulating a very impressive and by far best in school 32 points, Amin Fahd (Clitherow) 15 points and Hayder Azam (Arrowsmith) 12 points.

Together In One Body
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
St. Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8QY
Telephone: 01772 716912 Fax: 01772 718779 Email: