We celebrated our Year 7 ‘Welcome Mass’ on Thursday this week. Fr Mario was the celebrant for the specially arranged Mass which formally welcomes our new pupils to Corpus Christi. Pupil engagement in this celebration was exceptional, which centred around the theme of our school motto; ‘Together in One Body’.
The Gospel was from Luke 19:1-11, ‘New Beginnings’ which tells the story of Jesus forgiving Zacchaeus and how this drastically changed his life for the better. When Zacchaeus came alive in new faith, his response was to love the Lord and his neighbours with all his heart, mind, soul and strength.
In his Homily Fr Mario explained to Year 7’s that Corpus Christi translates to ‘Body of Christ’ and our school motto ‘Unum in Corpore Uno’ is ‘Together in One Body’. Together they symbolize that everyone at the school should be ‘all together’ as one community. No one is singled out and that you are all the exact same in the eyes of God. Fr Mario encouraged pupils to always work together, share ideas, support each other and help the Gospel come alive to be a very important part of everyone’s journey through the school.